

XTRT-2000X digital rack mount amplifiers are designed for fixed and mobile uplink applications and occupy only 11 rack units while providing 2 KW RF output power. These high efficiency traveling wave tube amplifiers include RF gain control, a solid state pre-amplifier, RF filters, cooling, and monitor & control (M&C) systems.

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    XTRT-2000X digital rack mount amplifiers are designed for fixed and mobile uplink applications and occupy only 11 rack units while providing 2 KW RF output power. These high efficiency traveling wave tube amplifiers include RF gain control, a solid state pre-amplifier, RF filters, cooling, and monitor & control (M&C) systems.

    An integrated X-Band linearizer option is available. The dual drawer amplifier conserves rack space and occupies only 19.25 inches (11 rack units) of a standard 19 inch rack cabinet. A complete 1:1 or 1:2 redundant TWTA system, including a redundant controller, can be mounted in a single rack. The unit features a menu driven front panel display and RS-232 & RS-422/RS-485 and Ethernet serial port interfaces for complete remote control. Gain Control is set by the front panel manual control or by computer commands sent via the remote interfaces.

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