PSA-180XY has the 1.8M carbon fiber reflector in X-Band with dual optic sub-reflector configuration. The ACU system, a very important part of the PSA-180XY, can operate in various satellite tracking modes, including step tracking, TLE-based program tracking, time-coordinate-based program tracking, and mono pulse tracking (option) specially developed for LEO and MEO-type satellite operations.
Key Features
- X/Y type positioner
- No keyhole at the zenith
- Ideal for tracking LEO, MEO, and GEO satellite
- Precision carbon fiber composite antenna
- Dynamic satellite tracking and accurate pointing
- Backlash free drive and brake system.
- Based on demand antenna system is available in
other frequency bands in L, S, C, X, Ku, K, and Ka.
Typical Applications
- Earth Observation and Imaging
- Remote Sensing
- Satellite Communication
- TT&C type applications
- Telemetry ground station for UAV and missile